Thursday, November 16, 2017

[English translation] 醉 - Drunken

作曲 : 徐夢圓 (Xu Meng Yuan)
作詞 : 溫莨 (Wen Liang)

*There are a few covers of this song, and the original video I planned to embed had been taken down from Youtube when I was working on the translation, for reasons unknown. Anyway, here's the same video from Bilibili, the original uploading site, if I'm not mistaken.

三无 (San Wu's Cover):
冷鸢 (Leng Yuan's Cover):
Alternate Youtube video (without the music video):

EDIT: San Wu uploaded her cover with the music video on her official channel -

小城裡 有一位 姑娘
撐起傘 過雨巷

In this little town, there was a young maiden
She held an umbrella while passing through the rainy alleys
Corners of her dress stole the scent of cloves

一步走 一步向回望
泛皺的 眼波裡 掩映著溫柔鄉

With every step forth she glimpsed back
Ripples in her eyes hid a gentle realm

也許是 風兒輕輕撞
這雨水 悄搖晃 晃進了時光

Perhaps it’s the wind gently knocking
rain quietly swaying, that ushered me back in time

還在想 吟誦詩兩行
那身影 早已經 轉身繞過花牆

I was only about to recite a line of poem or two
when that figure disappeared round the corner of a flowered wall

門樓旁 倚著老街坊

Leaning on the shops by the ancient streets
humming half a little tune
“where should you be” I sung

一雙眼 已泛起濁黃
你卻仍 似過往

Eyes already tinged with a murky yellow
Yet you remained, as always
That graceful and lovely

雨傘下 是故人模樣

Under the umbrella was your likeness of old
Unforeseeable and fleeting, as this world goes
or is it but a dream of mine

出弄巷 聞見了杜康
歲月長 又何妨

Out of the alley, I smelled the gift of the god of wine
Why be bothered by the tedium of years ahead?
Being half-awake’s conducive for forgetfulness


一雙眼 已泛起濁黃
你卻仍 似過往

Eyes already tinged with a murky yellow
Yet you remained, as always
That graceful and lovely

雨傘下 是故人模樣

Under the umbrella was your likeness of old
Unforeseeable and fleeting, as this world goes
or is it but a dream of mine


小城裡 有一位 姑娘
撐起傘 過雨巷

In this little town, there was a young maiden
She held an umbrella while passing through the rainy alleys
Corners of her dress stole the scent of cloves

一步走 一步向回望
泛皺的 眼波裡 掩映著溫柔鄉

With every step forth she glimpsed back
Ripples in her eyes hid a gentle realm

也許是 風兒輕輕撞
這雨水 悄搖晃 晃進了時光

Perhaps it’s the wind gently knocking
Rain quietly swaying, that ushered me back in time

還在想 吟誦詩兩行

I was only about to recite a line of poem or two
When that figure disappeared round the corner of a flowered wall

天微亮 漸白的東方
三寸光 透過窗

Dawn broke, with the brightening eastern horizon
Inches of light seeped through the window
To send you out of the old alleyway

一步走 一步向回望
泛皺的眼波裡 似有萬語深藏

With every step forth you glimpsed back
Ripples in your eyes hid much that was unspoken

這目光 露鋒芒 卻猝不及防
似誓要 揭穿所有謊
卻輕易 在心上 劃下了一道癢

Perhaps it was a road too far, an alley too harrowing
Sharp glimmers in those eyes struck me unprepared
As if vowing to uncover all my lies
But instead carved an itch upon my heart effortlessly

又聞見 婆婆的佳釀

Again I smelled grandma’s fine brew
A sweet, lingering trail of scent
That startled me from my careless preoccupations

猶記得 貪杯把酒嘗

I still remember being driven to the wine
Three cups, two flagons, then one jug
No longer able to accompany the setting sun

出酒坊 醉在柳樹旁
應是日有所想 太虛境游一場

Stumbling out of the winehouse, I collapsed by the willow tree
Suppose one’s obsession by day manifested itself in the realm of dreams

卻無恙 回到這間房
桌案上 靜靜放 一碗紅豆湯

Yet I find myself comfortably back in this room
And on my table quietly sits a bowl of red bean soup

小城裡 有一位 姑娘
撐起傘 過雨巷

In this little town, there was a young maiden
She held an umbrella while passing through the rainy alleys
Corners of her dress stole the scent of cloves

一步走 一步向回望
泛皺的 眼波裡 掩映著溫柔鄉

With every step forth she glimpsed back
Ripples in her eyes hid a gentle realm

也許是 風兒輕輕撞
這雨水 悄搖晃 晃進了時光

Perhaps it’s the wind gently knocking
Rain quietly swaying, that ushered me back in time

還在想 吟誦詩兩行

I was only about to recite a line of poem or two
When that figure disappeared round the corner of a flowered wall



*Written by a fan in the comments, not sure if it's canon but here goes:


These are perilous times in the city of Shanghai. Peering down at the latest reports in the papers, I couldn’t help but to recall memories of that girl.

I found myself back on the very first day we met. Soft drizzle pattered down on the narrow alleys of Shanghai. Not only did it strike the wet pavements, my heart too, had not been spared.

I had just concluded teaching sessions for the day. In the alleyway outside our school gate, she walked passed with an umbrella over her head. That graceful poise, mesmerizing eyes, I couldn’t help but to fall for her. Just when I snapped out of her enchanted gaze, she disappeared around the corner of a flowered wall.

That was our first encounter. No matter when these memories come back to me, it stays perennially fresh in my mind.

I met her again at the school gate some time later. I invited her into the school for a friendly conversation and uncovered a strong patriotic spirit in her. That only left me even more infatuated. We got along splendidly, our ideals a close match.

Unfortunately, those were tumultuous times in Shanghai. We attracted the attention of traitors working for the Japanese. We had to part ways and run.

That was our farewell. No, in retrospect, you couldn’t quite call it a farewell.

She revealed herself to the enemies to ensure my safe escape. They had her captured, while I escaped with the letter and a single white feather she left me. I wept bitterly that day. Words cannot articulate the feeling that wretched and twisted in my heart. I was supposed to be the one. She was innocent. At the most critical moment, she took my place, but I…...

The smell of grandma’s brewed wine pulled me out of my reminiscences. As the saying goes, an obsession by day manifest in dreams by night. That bowl of red bean soup sitting on the table at home now a subtle thorn in me.

I gave the papers a sidelong glance. It wrote about the Shanghai today. Not as dangerous as it had been, but neither was it the Shanghai I remembered.

Objects, inanimate things, may remain. Not people though -- those had changed.

I put down the newspapers and strolled the empty streets of Shanghai. Without any particular destination in mind, I walked, and walked. Till that familiar figure entered my sight.

My eyes soured, and the tears couldn’t stop from there on.

At the nightclub’s entrance, a girl in an extravagant dress attended to her guests. I then realized, that innocent girl I knew had long been executed. The clove flower had fallen unto dusty earth in the end. Even she couldn’t escape the darkness that shrouded this city.

I couldn’t bring myself to call out her name. That name I’ll never forget has now become far too heavy.

Alas, she noticed me, and she recognized me.

When our eyes met, tears ran down her cheeks. It stayed that way for a long time, none of us uttering a single word.


This time I wanted to try something different from the usual styles. I liked the lyrics the first time I looked it up because of its evocative imagery. Plus, the electronic music mixed with historical themes here's pretty awesome.

*I own nothing but the translations.