Sunday, October 27, 2019


Hey there! Since I've been posting my translations for some time now (and some writing sprinkled in here and there), I thought it might be useful to compile a master list. Makes it easier to navigate the blog. These are in alphabetical order based on the Chinese Pinyin of the titles. I also realized a number of the videos I linked may have been taken down/made private, so I'll put a note if that's the case.

2025: 旷古回响 Echoes of History by 忘川风华录 

2017 onward - Translations only

忘川风华录 "Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu" Album - Stories based in history

Miscellaneous songs

  1. 爱殇 - Love's Demise
  2. 白虹貫日 - White Ray through the Sun
  3. 白石溪 - White Stone Creek
  4. 半壶纱 - Half an Urn of Yarn (Video unavailable)
  5. 不老梦 - Unaging dream 
  6. 赤伶 - Red actor
  7. 腐草为萤 - Fluorescence
  8. 故人叹 - An Old Friend's Sigh
  9. 畫地為牢 - Trapped in a Circle 
  10. 江湖 - Martial World / Jianghu
  11. 江山雪 - Snow over Rivers and Mountains
  12. 锦鲤抄 - Tale of the Koi
  13. 洛阳夜雨 - Rainy nights in Luoyang
  14. 眉間雪 - Snow Between Brows
  15. 清平誤 - Lost in Peace 
  16. 如寄 - Transient (Another version with dialogue included)
  17. 我的一个道姑朋友 - A Taoist Nun Friend of Mine
  18. 胭脂雪 - Rouged snow
  19. 业火苍云歌 - Song of Hellfire and Ashen Clouds
  20. 御龙吟 - Song of the Imperial Dragon
  21. 葬花词 - Elegy for Flowers
  22. 中华铄金娘 - China Molten Metal Girl
  23. 醉 - Drunken

Classical poetry

Apologies for the hodgepodge mix of traditional and simplified Chinese, for those who can read the language. It's a little disorganized, I'll admit. I can read both well enough, but I usually just take from whichever lyrics source is convenient, so I've ended up with this. I hope it's not too much of a bother. Cheers, and have a good day!

(Updated: 2025 February 08)

**Edit (23/3/2020) - Note for usage of my work:

As people had asked me about it, I'll put it out here for clarity. I love to share my passion for these songs as well as Chinese history and culture, so feel free to use and share my translations as long as it is non-commercial and credits its source. 

Though, once again, a disclaimer that my translation may not be as accurate as some might think, but I do try my best to balance accuracy with aesthetics. I'm truly honored if anyone thinks this is good enough to be shared, despite me basically using this blog as my sandpit to play and experiment with language. If this sparks interest in classical Chinese culture, as well as contemporary pop culture which derives from it, I'd consider it a win too. (More people like the stuff you like = bigger fanbase = more people to geek out with). So, stay awesome, and thanks for reading! 


  1. thanks for the master list.
    just want to say thank you for your time and hard works to translate those beautiful songs, and please allow me to recommend some my fav songs (which i really, really, hopefully you would kindly translate them if you also like them or if you have much spare time....)
    1. 伦桑 - 白马入芦花
    2. Assen捷 - 御画师
    3. Smile_小千-白虹贯日
    with your level of chinese, i'm sure the translation would be accurate and beautiful.
    again, thank you. it's okay if you won't translate them, please don't take it as a burden or something.
    i am thankful enough to see your existing works here. ♥ ♥ ♥

    1. Hey Daemul! Really appreciate your encouragement, it means a lot to me! I have to confess, real life gets very busy, and I do already have a few work in progress that I have yet to complete, but I'll see when I can get to your request. Perhaps I can manage with one song from your list. Do you have a particular one you want? (No promises on when I can deliver though, but I'll try my best!)

    2. hello~ thanks for replying msg.
      the hardest to translate is 伦桑 - 白马入芦花, while the others i managed to at least get the point of the song meaning but the first one is really hard to digest.
      thanks again for all your hard works ♥

    3. Actually, I stumbled across this translation while looking up that particular song:

      I think the translation is absolutely beautiful, and from the looks of it I believe the translator has done a proper job with the research. Honestly, I doubt I could do better.

      If you prefer, I can try to take on one of the two other songs. Would that be alright?

  2. wow thanks so much for the link!
    and it's so kind of you still would accept a request. Smile_小千-白虹贯日 is harder to translate, so would you please translate this one. again thanks so much and no need to hurry, thank you ♥

    1. Done! Check out my latest post. Again, I kinda bend some of the meaning of the phrases a bit, but I focus on preserving the mood being conveyed. Hope it helps!

  3. Hello can you translate songs like 燕无歌 , 踏山河 or any other famous douyin songs ? I also don't know how to search in this site it's confusing lol
