Monday, May 28, 2018

[English translation] 白石溪 - White Stone Creek

作曲//Composer : 纯白 (Chun Bai / Pure white)
作词//Lyrics : 果汁凉菜 (Guo Zhi Liang Cai)
演唱//Vocal: 玄觴 (Xuan Shang)

Other versions:
Vocaloid (Luo Tianyi and Yuezheng Ling) - 

微露点滴 沾衿落袖
丽日绰约 轻解莲舟
蒹葭荣茂 燕雀啁啾
白石溪畔 斜阳逐流

Beads of dew dripped down on our robes
The day’s bright with a charming sun as we released our boat
Thick reeds flourished, while finches chirped
By White Stone Creek, the setting sun chased its flow

可嫌金风玉露 兼程久
灵犀心念 便相谋
前路崎岖躞蹀攀援 亦同守

Would a lengthy stay of autumn winds ever be resented?
Since our hearts are bound, so we shall act as one
Despite our difficult road ahead, treading light or climbing high, we’ll stay by each other’s side 

共你百年暮昏 到白昼
依山临水 景看旧
而你美胜山水万筹 尽入一人眸

I’ll be with you, dusk till dawn for a hundred years
By the mountains and waters, we’ll watch the sceneries till we tire
While your beauty outmatch the landscape by ten thousand folds, only for one you show

琴瑟愿与 共沐春秋
滢溪潺潺 炊烟悠悠
敢请东风 玉成双偶
遥递佳信 知否知否

Like zithers in harmony, we relished the seasons together
The clear stream ambled on, the chimney smoke lazily wafted
I appealed to the eastern wind, grant us our union
As I send out my letter from afar, do you know, do you know?

为理云鬓 为簪银钩
明月可鉴 情深亦寿
此生相依 人间白首
千金不易 清茶淡粥

I fixed my hair, and fastened it with a silver hairpin
The bright moon shall witness, this love’s as deep as it’s old 
In this life we’ll count on each other, till our hair whitens
Not for a thousand gold I’ll trade a simple life with you

前缘既断 便再无求
云泥之异 难越鸿沟
相思不扫 久积弥厚
他年君归 我葬南丘

Since the severance of our ties, there’s nothing more I’ve come to yearn
The gap between the clouds and earth proved too wide to close
My longings I neglected to sweep away, while it piled thicker by the day
And when you finally return, I’ve laid buried under the southern hill

逢春枯木忽生 花飞柳
纷纷绵绵 结作愁
随风四散却又轻易 染眉头

Spring arrived with soft willow flowers sprouted upon barren boughs
Sprinkled in the air to weave our sorrows
Then scattered by the wind and feathered one’s brows

当时一双鸳鸯 入深藕
荷香绕水 乐同游
月下花前本来无酒 对看竟忘忧

Back when a pair of mandarin ducks swam into the tangles of lotus roots
Encircled by the fragrance of water lilies, ecstatic in their excursion
By the moon and flowers, though devoid of wine, our cares were left behind when we looked into each other’s eyes

何年何夕 两相执手
蚀骨相思 风侵寒透
仙人近侧 怕倚小楼
金缕为笼 歌乐成囚

When again was it, when we both held our hands
This longing gnaws my bones, the wind chills my core
In close company of deities, I fear to lean forlornly against the towers
I’m in a cage made of golden threads, a prison made of joyous songs

凉夜凄长 应怨更漏
数得千枚 零落红豆
遗君一心 一心怎收
杳渺音绝 余我孤奏

This cold night stretches long and sorrowful, echoing hints of sad laments
I’ve counted a thousand scattered red beans
All I have now is but a sole heart for you, a sole heart I know not to temper
Without a trace of your goings, you left me playing our songs alone

何年何夕 共沐春秋
银汉邈邈 炊烟悠悠
敢请东风 小住暂留
托书天地 安否安否

When was it again, when we relished the seasons
The Milky Way yawned in the distance, the chimney smoke lazily wafted
I appealed to the eastern wind, please accommodate a short stay
So to carry my letter for you out into the world, is that alright, is that alright?

尘心如练 长悬银钩
鱼雁不闻 斯人难候
九霄一曲 人间白首
隔世相问 忆否忆否

My mortal heart is worn and weary, forever hooked to the crescent moon
The fishes and geese have not known, how testing is this wait for you
Reverberating through nine tiers of heaven, a song of lasting love till old
Separated by worlds, we ask one another, do you remember, do you remember? 


Translator's note:

For context, this story is about the forbidden love between a fairy descended from the heavens with a mortal, likely inspired by the folklore of the romance between a cowherd (mortal) and a weaver girl (immortal). The song lyrics are very moving. Enjoy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Very beautiful! Thank you for the effort
